Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I have posted several times about the battle with the Treo650 crashes. I have been able to install TON's of apps that shouldn't be together by keeping some on the SD Card, Locking some in memory, and most importantly getting rid of and finding workable apps for the really troublesome ones.

A major tool I have mentioned I use is a Crash Logger. I specifically use the one build into Reset Doctor by Hobbyist Software (one of my favorite developers). This technique works GREAT unless you start getting "Application" as the primary culprit. This is what has started happening to me.

Well the good news is that it has told me one good piece of info. If Application is causing the crash, then a SPECIFIC app is NOT. However finding what part of the system itself was causing the problem took some time and some stumbling upon.

I ended up finding the problem by looking at my Resco Backup Logs. What I found was the "psyslaunchDB" was getting corrupt every couple days. My quick solution for this was to reach back to one of my previous 4 days worth of backups and find the newest one that was NOT corrupt and replace the corrupt one currently in memory. Viola all is good.

The moral I guess ... use all of the tools at your disposal. You never know which one will help you solve the problem.

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