Monday, March 19, 2007

Treo space loop

As if to reiterate my previous statement about BACKING UP...

Recently my wife and I went to Florida and took in the joy of Epcot. One of my favorite apps is Splashblog and I take A LOT of pics with it While at Epcot my SD Card got ejected inside my case (a rubber style skin type) and I didn't know. Well Splashblog started putting pictures in RAM since the SD Card wasn't present to the system and 6 MB later BOOM! Suddenly my Treo started to reset and reset and reset! WELL lesson 1 "don't fill up your RAM to the max ... space, space, space" lesson 2 "Always have a backup.

Well I keep a backup on my SD, so I pulled off the skin, did a Hard Reset and then restored my backup. Actually I keep 5 daily backups and 2 CLEAN INSTALL backups where I have all the default applications installed that I KNOW won't mess up my Treo. So I restored my morning backup and fortunately only lost about 10-20 of the 555 pics I took that day. UNFORTUNATELY you guys will never see the huge genetically altered vegetables I had pictures of. Sorry!

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